Alaska Airlines flew 75 commercial flights in the united states powered by biofuel yesteday. The flight signals aviation's new era, where sustainable biofuels can provide a viable alternative to conventional fuel and enable airlines to reduce their enviromental impact.
Two main biofuel powered flight left Seattle Yesterday for Washington D.C, and Porthland, Oregon. Alaska Airlines and its sister carrier, Horizon Air, will continue to operate select flight between seattle and the two cities over the next few weeks using 20% blend of sustainable biofuel made from using cooking oil that meets rigorous international safety and standards.
"This is a historic week for US Aviation. The 75 flights that Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air will fly over the next few weeks to reflect our longstanding commitment to environmental responsibility and our belief is that sustainable biofuels are key to aviation's future," Alaska Air Chairman and CEO Bill Ayer said during the week, "They will enable is to fly cleaner, foster job growth in a new industry, and can insulate airlines from the volatile price swings of conventional fuel help to make air travel more economical. What we need is an adequate affordable and sustainable fupply. To the biofuels industry, we say: if you build we will buy it."
Alaska air Group's fleet of Boeing 737s and Bombardier Q400 are one of the most fuel effiecient among the domestic airlines. Air Group has also led the industry with variety of enviromental projects to fly greener form pioneering satellite based navigation procedure to on board navigation. But industry leaders agree that biofuels represent a critical element in cutting aviation's carbon footprint.
"Aviation clearly needs a clean energy alternative to fossils." said Boeing Commercial Airplanes Vice President of Environment and aviation policy, Bill Glover.
"in the US around the world, the industry is doing all it can to support sustainable biofuel develooment and maintain aviation's role in global economic growth. To make that happen we must develop regional supply chains and that takes supportive government policies that encourage investment in early stage of this emerging sector,"
Alaska Air Group estimates 20% cerified biofuel blend it is using for the 75 flights will reduce green house gas emmisions. Savings would represent equivalent of taking 64,000 cars of the road or providing electricity 28, 000 homes.
Tommorow's fuels are ready to be used in today's airplanes and that is an important step foward," says Philippe Poutissore, Vice President, Marketing, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft: "Our industry already designs aircraft that reduces environmental footprints. We will continue to strive for sustainable solutions and greener skies".
The fuel was supplied by SKYHRO, an aviation biofuel broker made by dynamic fuels a producer of next generation renewable synthetic fuels made from used cooking all the synthetic high poerformance airliner fuel, made by dynamic fuels $170m joint venture between TYSON foods (NYSE: TSN) and Synthroleum Corp (NASDAQ: SYNM) - meets aviation and military safety sustainable and performance standards.
"Advance biofuels can be an economic driver in creating good jobs and a vital part of America's long term energy security." said Bob Aries, Tyson Foods, vice president of renewable energy and member of dynamic fuels management commitee. "However, government policies supporting development are assential to ensure that aviation chiefs industries reaches its full potential and uis able to compete against foreign petroleum"
Alaska commercial biofuel flightd come six months after Air Group partnered in a strategic initiative called sustainable aviation fuels northwest, a stakeholder effort effort to explore feasibility, challenges and opportunities for creating an aviation biofuels industry in the US. Pacific Northwest. The study determined the region has diverse stock for biofuels, delivery infrastructure and political will needed to create a viable biofuels industry.
There are currently no supply of aviation biofuels in the pacific Northwest.
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